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The Closed Captions and SCTE-35 triggers

The Closed Captions and SCTE-35 triggers

Enable closed captioning and Dynamic Ads-Insertion support in your broadcast playout solution


The Closed Captions

Closed captioning (or CC) is the process of displaying text on a video screen or any visual display to provide the viewers with a transcription of all significant audio content, such as dialogue and sound effects. Captions are synchronized with the video image to ensure full understanding. In contrast to open captions, closed captions can be turned on/off by the viewer.


Closed captioning is obligatory for the majority of programming on broadcast TV in the United States, Canada and China, as well as in most Latin American countries.


Supported closed captions standards



Supported hardware


It is also possible to play out files with CC and Dynamic Ads-Insertion to supported hardware via composite or SDI connection; it is also possible to capture CC data.

