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Plan Sprints and Releases Accurately

Axosoft Release Planner allows you to see the capacity of your sprint, team, and team members at a glance.


Stack Ranking
Use Rank Mode to stack rank your items from highest to lowest priority in your backlog. 


Estimate accurately using minutes, hours, days, weeks or even story points.


Visualize and Communicate Progress

Axosoft's Card View is a fully interactive kanban board that allows you to visualize item statuses and progress.

Item Cards
Edit item cards, add work logs and easily see work-in-progress limits.

Drag and Drop
Drag and drop items from one workflow step to the next.

Enable built-in or custom workflows to enforce various processes per project.

Daily Scrum
Use Daily Scrum Mode to frequently communicate progress and obstacles.


Monitor Progress and Release On Time


Item Chart



Cycle Time

Work Remaining

Projected Ship Date

Flow Chart

Estimated vs Actual
