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ThinPrint RDP Engine

ThinPrint RDP Engine

The leading printing solution for Microsoft Remote Desktop Services environments – now also for Windows Server 2016

ThinPrint RDP Engine ensures quick and reliable remote desktop printing. Easily connect printers at office and home workstations to your corporate network. The solution delivers for all users, access to the right printers in every session.

ThinPrint RDP Engine for Microsoft remote desktop environments/VDI


Feature Highlights

  • Fast installation and operational readiness without any special admin knowledge required.

  • Automatic printer mapping: AutoConnect ensures reliable printer mapping through RDP connections.

  • Optimal compression, SpeedCache and streaming ensure high-performance remote printing and save on bandwidth.

  • Finishing options: Even with remote access, features like stapling, hole punching, binding and printing multiple pages per sheet are available.

  • With cost-cutting printing preferences like black & white or duplex printing, instantly reduce your printing costs and paper consumption.


Your Benefits

  • It takes just a few clicks to install the virtual print solution optimized for Windows remote desktop in seconds.

  • Perfect the print management in your Microsoft Remote Desktop Services environment

  • Users always access the right printer, even from their home workstation

  • Driver Free Printing avoids the administration of native printer drivers on the server

  • Users work more efficiently thanks to rapid print output with higher user availability – even when accessing through ISDN or DSL connections.

