GroupDocs.Signature for Java
GroupDocs.Signature for Java APIs allows developers to embed electronic signing into any mobile, tablet or web application or more. It supports text, image or digital signatures for various file formats. Using digital signatures, Java e-signing API permits users to authenticate and sign documents using passwords and digital certificates.
GroupDocs.Signature for Java is a UI-less developer-friendly eSign API that fits into any personal, business or password protected document workflows. API not only makes digital signatures easy but also ensures text and digital signature verifications for Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and PDF documents.
An overview of Java eSignature API how to automate your document signing.
Signature Types
REST API Services
Independent API calls
Document Page Number
Sign All Pages
Digital Certificate
Upload, type or draw signatures
REST API solution so integrated on desktop, mobile and web
Interface independent: can be used as back end independently
Multiple supported document formats
Multiple template elements formatting support
Multiple signature types and properties
Text verification for all document types
Digital signature verifications for all types
Changing output save format support
Change, add or remove passwords
Image manipulating effects on signature
Generate text as image and apply image filters
Setup signature on arbitrary pages like first, last, even, odd etc
Different Image Appearance to apply transparency, borders, etc
Manipulate signature margins
Different measure units support like pixels, percents, millimeters
Watermark: Add text as watermark to output document for Text Signature of any type
Metered licensing
Sign documents with QR-Code and barcode
Obtain signing and verification progress
Obtain digital signatures from documents and system