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Aspose. GIS for .NET

.NET APIs to manipulate GIS files on the fly

Create, Read, Edit & Convert GIS files from within .NET applications.

Aspose.GIS for .NET

Aspose.GIS for .NET enables you to access & manipulate geographic information from vector based geospatial data formats. You can read, write & convert most popular GIS file formats such as Shapefile & GeoJSON from within your .NET applications without requiring any additional tools or software.

An overview of Aspose.GIS for .NET API.



.NET GIS Processing API

Aspose.GISfor .NET

Advanced .NET GIS Manipulation API Features



Inter-convert GIS file formats


Load existing GIS files from stream or file path


Write data in Shapefile formats


Lightweight & standalone component


Write data in GeoJSON format


Convert GeoJSON files to Shapefile with attribute adjustments

Read or Create GIS Files

Aspose.GIS for .NET not only supports loading GIS file formats for manipulation & conversion but it also provides the capability to create GIS files from scratch. .NET developers can use the API to create basic geometries such as Point, MultiPoint, Line, MultiLine, Polygon and so on, which can be further used to generate complex features.

Format-Independent Object Model

Aspose.GIS for .NET lets you manage geometries and feature attributes of supported GIS file formats without worrying about the underlying format implementation. The uniform representation of feature attributes for both ESRI Shapefiles and GeoJSON frees you from writing separate code to manage both formats.

Inter-convert Geo Formats

Aspose.GIS for .NET provides the capability to convert between supported Geo formats with just a few lines of code. This includes conversion of ESRI Shapefiles to GeoJSON format and vice versa.
