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DevExpress CodeRush for Visual Studio

DevExpress CodeRush for Visual Studio

Code in Visual Studio at the speed of thought.


Lightweight, Fast, and Powerful

Get Started in Two Minutes

Refactoring for C#, Visual Basic, and XAML, with the fastest test .NET runner available, next generation debugging, and the most efficient coding experience on the planet.


Visualize Code. Intuitively DebugDebug Visualizer



CodeRush makes it easier to see what's going on with complex code, so you can move forward and spend less time wandering and wondering. Why is that expression's value different from what you expect? When did that local change? How many times have we been through this loop? CodeRush's compelling new debug visualizer effortlessly and instantly answers these questions and more.


Move at Warp SpeedQuick Navigation



Quickly find symbols and files in your solution and easily navigate to code constructions related to the current context. CodeRush includes the Quick Navigation and Quick File Navigation features, which make it fast and easy to find symbols and open files.


Code Analysis DiagnosticsSimplify Complex Software Systems



The Code Analysis Diagnostics feature helps you detect and correct possible code issues and code smells. You can use the Code Issues Window to run the CodeRush for Roslyn Analyzers on the active solution or display the Visual Studio code issues.


Validate Quality FasterAnalyze Code Coverage


When it comes to Test Driven Development, nothing is faster than CodeRush. CodeRush lets you create new test cases or new test suites in a single keystroke. CodeRush for Roslyn automatically detects unit tests for NUnit, xUnit, MSpec and MSTest frameworks, and can optionally run tests located across multiple assemblies concurrently. The Test Runner also runs CoreCLR test cases in the DNX environment. The Sessions support makes it very easy to organize tests and run only those that are required.


Using the Analyze Code Coverage feature, you can discover what parts of your solution are covered by unit tests, and find the at-risk parts of your application. The Code Coverage window shows percentage of statements covered by unit tests for each namespace, type, and member in your solution.


Learn More about Our CodeRush

Unlike CodeRush Classic, CodeRush for Roslyn exploits the new Roslyn engine introduced in Visual Studio 2015, which loads your solutions significantly faster, while reducing RAM usage by hundreds of megabytes on most projects.


When Productivity Matters

CodeRush for Roslyn is a Visual Studio 2015 and higher extension designed to simplify common code creation, code restructuring, debugging and testing tasks.


CodeRush Decompiler

Reveal the source-code of compiled assemblies.

Allows you to decompile a specific assembly in Visual Studio.

Allows you to navigate to a type or member located in a compiled assembly.

Allows you to decompile an assembly without involving Visual Studio.



The CodeRush includes the Visual Studio IntelliSense add-on - IntelliRush.

You can filter the auto-completion list by pressing the Ctrl key while the Members List menu is open. The invoked section displays the available filtering options. Press the required key (marked with the red color) to filter the list by corresponding member type.

If a selected IntelliRush item is a method that has several overloads, you can press the Right Arrow key to display a window that contains the list of overloads and allows you to select the required one. Such items are marked with a right arrow icon at the right side.


Automatic Code Gen

Code templates are blocks of code that expand from short abbreviations typed into the code editor. Code templates provide you with the ability not to type the entire code manually, but insert stereotype code sections with only a few keystrokes.


Advanced Selection Tools

CodeRush includes the following set of tools designed to simplify text processing.


Code Formatting and Cleanup

CodeRush includes a set of tools designed to adjust your code to a specified style.

Code Analysis

CodeRush provides a powerful static analysis tool. It detects possible issues in your code and helps you correct them.


Code Visualization

Visualization tools include:


Code Refactoring

Refactorings are CodeRush features that enable you to automatically perform stereotype changes in your code.

CodeRush adds refactorings, code providers, and code formatters to Visual Studio's light bulb menu (Code Actions Menu). To invoke the Code Actions Menu, put the caret on the part of the code you need to change, press Ctrl + . or Ctrl + ~, and choose the required action from the invoked menu. When the cursor is on a Code Action Menu item, you can see a preview of the changes that will be made to your code.


Unit Testing Assistance

The Unit Test Runner allows you to:


