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Conformiq Quick Start

Quick Start

Conformiq Quick Start is all about time to value. Conformiq expert consultants help you come up to speed rapidly with the next-generation Conformiq 360° Test Automation to obtain immediate productivity for your testing team. The Quick Start Package includes all the software, installation, training, documentation, and support needed to:

Demonstrate the value of Conformiq 360° Test Automation in your environment

Apply Conformiq technology to your SDLC framework

Gain all the knowledge and experience you will need for full deployment


Complete Solution for Your Pilot Project

The Quick Start Package is a support service, delivered virtually, that includes all the software, planning, installation, SDLC tool integration, training and support you need for your Conformiq 360° Test Automation pilot project. You can purchase it standalone or together with a longer term license.

Project Planning

Conformiq experts work as part of your team to create a comprehensive project plan for your pilot including:

Requirements documentation

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Test case documentation, scripts, and reports

Project recommendations and the roadmap/schedule to deploy

Installation Support

We provide designated contacts on your team with all of the help needed to have your Conformiq 360° Test Automation environment deployed quickly including:

Joint review of the current testing infrastructure

Software deployment & validation

Training on the new test environment

SDLC Tool Integration

The Quick Start Package includes Conformiq Creator™, Conformiq Transformer™, and integrations with a subset of your SDLC tools. Support is also included for existing frameworks that reuse your existing test assets, e.g. importing Microsoft Visio™ models and HP UFT™ record and playback scenarios.

Knowledge Transfer

World-class experts bring you up to speed and ensure success with your pilot project through:

Interactive web based training on Conformiq Creator™ , Conformiq Transformer™, and integrations

Installation and roll-out support

Model reviews for your own real-world projects

Assistance in modeling, managing, automating, and optimizing test cases

Specialized integration advice

Project reviews including kick off, progress reports, and summary results
