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Iocomp Active X/VCL Pro


Iocomp's ActiveX/VCL Pro Pack is a suite of 60 controls written for use in creating professional instrumentation applications using ActiveX or VCL development environments.  Includes our Std Pack plus 31 additional controls.

These controls can be used for Scientific, Engineering, Medical, Oil and Gas, Semiconductor, Factory Automation, Aerospace, Military, Robotics, Telecommunications, Building and Home Automation, HMI, SCADA, and hundreds of other types of applications.

All Iocomp controls are OPC-Enabled. If your project requires OPC connectivity, you can connect any property to your OPC Items/Tags. All connections can be made visually using the Iocomp property editor or can be performed dynamically through code.



All License Purchases Include 2-Year Support & Maintenance!

All Licenses Include ActiveX and VCL Versions!

32-bit & 64-bit Window OS's supported!

32-bit & 64-bit ActiveX application development/distributables!

32-bit & 64-bit VCL application development support!

Controls are Supported by 100+ Development Environments!

Borland VCL Version Includes Full Source (100% Delphi Source)!

Royalty Free Distribution (Excludes HMI & SCADA type apps)!

Real-Time, High-Speed Controls!

Professionally Designed to Function Like Real-World Controls!

Built-In Custom Property Editors for Ease of Setup!

Vector Drawing. No Fixed Images Which Cause Sizing Issues!

Unicode Support (Both VCL & ActiveX)!

All Controls are OPC-Enabled (Requires OPC Add-On Purchase)!

Most Controls Only Require One Line of Code to Use!

In Use by 1000's of Companies Around the World!





Visual C++ 6.0

Front Page


VS2003 (VB.Net, C#, C++)

VS2005 (VB.Net, C#, C++)

VS2008 (VB.Net, C#, C++)

VS2010 (VB.Net, C#, C++)

VS2012 (VB.Net, C#, C++)

VS2013 (VB.Net, C#, C++)

VS2015 (VB.Net, C#, C++)

Many More ActiveX Dev Environments


Delphi   6  -10.2 Tokyo

C++ Builder  6  -10.2 Tokyo

RAD Studio  XE-10.2 Tokyo

OS's : 95, 98, Me, NT 4.0, 2000, 2003, XP, Vista, and Windows 7, 8, 10
