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ArCADia-REINFORCED CONCRETE COLUMN is an industry-specific module of the ArCADia BIM system, based on the ideology of Building Information Modeling (BIM). The application is designed for structure designers and it was designed to maximally support the user during the development of reinforced concrete column drawings in CAD applications.

ArCADia-REINFORCED CONCRETE COLUMN is an object-based Application which uses 2D data entered by the user (in the form of views and sections) to generate a 3D model of column reinforcement which may be freely modified and which enables, for example, the new sections to be created. The element reinforcement designing with this Application is in line with requirements of EN 1992-1-1 Eurocode 2: September 2008. The Application enables the designer to enter the reinforcement data manually and also captures these data directly from calculation applications: EuroFerroConcrete module of R3D3 3D Frame and R2D2 2D Frame software, and Reinforced concrete column PN-EN of Constructor system. It is also possible to copy selected, already completed column from the same or prepared previously file.

Features of the program:


Program requirements:

In order to work, all industry-specific modules need a license for:

System requirements:

