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ArCADia-DISTRIBUTION BOARDS is an industry-specific module of the ArCADia BIM system, based on the ideology of Building Information Modeling (BIM). The program enables the development of the professional technical documentation required to produce single-line circuit diagrams. The program is designed both for designers of networks and electricity and power systems, as well as for all people working in the electrical engineering industry.

The ArCADia-DISTRIBUTION BOARDS program can be used to create a diagram of a designed switchgear or any circuit diagram and perform basic technical calculations. The library of electric device symbols can be used to design an electrical system. Symbols can be edited and assigned technical parameters. Apart from the possibility of producing the diagram of a switchgear in an efficient way, the program can also be used to automatically create the diagram of a switchgear designed using the ArCADia-ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS  overlay. The combination of automation algorithms to create the circuit diagrams used in the application and the database of symbols for electric devices and performance of basic calculations ensures a perfect tool for drawing circuit diagrams.

The features and basic functions of the program include:

The quick and efficient design of single-line schematic diagrams for switchgears.

The possibility to create control systems.

The performance of basic technical calculations (load current, voltage drop).

The automatic generation of a distribution panel diagram designed using the ArCADia-ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS overlay.

A database of electric devices and instruments.

The generation of quantitative lists of devices used in a design.


Automatic generation of actual views of distribution boards.

The possibility to create an actual view of a distribution board and to put in electric devices.

The preview of created distribution boards in a 3D view. 

New database of electric device symbols:

Cam switches

Frequency inverters



Voltage coils

The expanded library of electrical equipment:






Jean Muller



Program requirements:

In order to work, all industry-specific modules need a license for:

ArCADia LT or ArCADia 10 or ArCADia PLUS 10 or AutoCAD 2013/2014/2015.

If an industry-specific module is installed as an overlay for AutoCAD, ArCADia AC module is required.

System requirements:

Pentium-class computer (Intel Core i5 recommended)

2 GB RAM minimum (8 GB recommended)

About 3 GB free hard disc space for installation

A graphics card compatible with DirectX 9.0 (a 1GB RAM card recommended)

OS: Windows 10 or Windows 8.1or Windows 7
