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Iocomp .Net WF Plot

Iocomp's Plot Pack is a 100% managed .Net control, used for creating professional real-time plotting/charting type applications in .Net development environments.  Designed for engineering and scientific type applications which require interactive plotting and high-speed when creating fully managed applications.

Real-Time Display!

Zoom & Scroll While Plotting!

Unlimited Number of  X&Y Axes!

Unlimited Number of  Channels!

Unlimited Number of  Data-Cursors!

Unlimited Number of Limits!

Unlimited Number of Annotations!

Unlimited Number of Legends & Labels!

Unlimited Number of Data-Views!

Logarithmic Axes!

Visual Layout Manager!

Data Logging!

And Hundreds of Other Important Features!


All License Purchases Include 2-Year Support & Maintenance!

Licenses Include 1.1, 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, and 4.5 Assemblies!

32-bit & 64-bit Window OS's supported!

Supported By Microsoft and Embarcadaro Dev Environments!

Royalty Free Distribution (Excludes HMI & SCADA type apps)!

Real-Time, High-Speed Controls!

Custom Channel Types For Various Plotting Type Applications!

Used for Plotting, Charting, Strip-Charts, EKG's, and Etc.!

GDI+ : Anti-Aliasing, Gradients, and Additional Line & Fill Styles!

Transparency Supported on all Line, Fill, and Gradient Colors!

Fully Customizable Toolbar! 

Advanced Customization Capability on Scale Ticks!

Data Saving, Loading, and Logging Features!

100% Source Included With Site/OEM1000 License Purchase!

Built-In Custom Property Editor with Visual Layout Manager!

Just One Line of Code Required to Add Data!

In Use by 1000's of Companies Around the World!



VS2003 (VB.Net/C#/C++ Managed)

VS2005 (VB.Net/C#/C++ Managed)

VS2008 (VB.Net/C#/C++ Managed)

VS2010 (VB.Net/C#/C++ Managed)

VS2012 (VB.Net/C#/C++ Managed)

VS2013 (VB.Net/C#/C++ Managed)

VS2015 (VB.Net/C#/C++ Managed)


Delphi 2005 C# & Delphi

BDS 2006 C# & Delphi

Delphi Prism (2009)

Delphi Prism 2010

Delphi Prism XE thru XE8

OS's : 98, Me, NT 4.0, 2000, 2003, XP, Vista, and Windows 7, 8, 10

Frameworks Supported : 1.1, 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6 

(32-Bit & 64-Bit)

