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Storage Library

Storage Library


Application settings management is a important and base part of any application. Usually TIniFile and TRegistry classes are used for this purpose. Our company is pleased to offer new way for application settings management. Storage library is a collection of components allowing for work with application settings. The concept of Storage library is very elegant and simple:

Using Storage library you can gradually add functionality of application settings management in you application.


Main features

Full context help file, demo programs, setup program are included.

Storage Library - Overview


As a rule, each application has a set of control parameters called “application settings”. There are general settings and particular settings determined by a particular user. The application settings are stored in so called “ini “ files, in Windows registry, in special format files, in Data Bases (DB), etc. It is natural to try to automate the application settings managing, in order to facilitate the programming process and to develop a universal system for the application settings control, allowing the extension, modification and upgrading the computer program. The Storage library has been developed for the above mentioned purposes.

What is the Storage library?

The objective of the Storage Library is to control the application settings. It provides the user with the following possibilities:

How Does It Works?

TrsStorage is a main component of Storage library. It controls the data stored in the memory as a tree-like structure. The TrsIniData, TrsRegData, TrsBinData, and TrsXMLData components are designed for the purpose of data exchange between TrsStorage and the storage location. The TrsPropSaver component allows for automated reading/writing of published properties of other components located in the same application form as TrsPropSaver. In addition, TrsPropSaver can store the position and state of a form.Usually, the application being developed must contain:
