PDF417 barcode ActiveX
Our PDF417 ActiveX is a powerful ATL-based control for handling PDF417 2D barcode and can be used in any ActiveX-compliant environment such as Word, Access, Excel, VB.NET, C#.NET, Visual Basic, Visual C++, Visual FoxPro, Delphi or C++ Builder.
MW6 PDF417 ActiveX is 100% consistent with the PDF417 specification and extremely easy to use, you can do "drag and drop" for inserting the PDF417 ActiveX into your windows application or create a PDF417 COM object in the memory on the fly, specify the PDF417 properties to meet your application requirements and the PDF417 barcode will be generated automatically in a flawless way.
The installation package comes with the samples for Word, Excel, Access, Visual Basic and VC++, which can dramatically shorten the learning curve in terms of how to integrate the PDF417 barcode into your application. Please check out the following links for more information.
The following demo code & projects are available upon request:
Click here to obtain pricing information or place an online order.
System Requirements
Hardware: >100MB hard drive, >64MB RAM, >100MHZ CPU
Any one of the following Windows operating systems:
It can be used in any one of the following environments: