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SigmaScan Pro


SigmaScan Pro


Choose from a large number of image types and complex enhancement techniques


SigmaScan Pro's comprehensive list of image types ensures image compatibility, including grayscale images up to 16 bits. You can convert images to different types, paste or concatenate images from one type to another, or modify pixel resolution while maintaining the aspect ratio of the image.




The powerful Histogram Stretch option lets you sharpen the contrast of color or grayscale images.


Other enhancement techniques allow you to correct background lighting effects, apply color templates to grayscale images for highlighting hidden features or employ mathematical filters to add, remove, erode or dilate objects on an image. Plus, SigmaScan Pro’s Image Math functions let you remove noise and highlight features by adding, subtracting or averaging the pixel intensities of different images.


Develop Meaningful Conclusions with Advanced Data Analysis Capabilities




Use built-in column statistics to organize data and develop solid conclusions. Automatically sort and classify your measurement results or eliminate unwanted objects from your data. Chose from 140 worksheet functions to transform your data, show important relationships using the plot function or export files to advanced graphing packages such as SigmaPlot.


Powerful Image Analysis Tools for a Wide Range of Applications

As a scientist, engineer or technician, you’re often faced with problems that are difficult to measure but easy to photograph. SigmaScan Pro provides a complete PC image solution for scientists – everything from image collection to data analysis. These powerful image analysis tools serve a multitude of scientific applications, including: optical microscopy, X-ray enhancement, cell counting and sorting, surface analysis, particle distribution, printed circuit board inspection, surface flaw detection and isolating typographic map features.


And SigmaScan Pro offers complete compatibility; you can capture images from any TWAIN-supported device. You can open, modify and save common image files as such as BMP, JPEG, Mac PICT, PCX, TGA and TIFF. SigmaScan Pro is also compatible with many other file types you may encounter, including PhotoShop PSD, EPS and RAS. Plus, SigmaScan Pro’s easy-to-use interface is designed specifically for scientists and technicians who don’t have the time or desire to become imaging experts – helping you quickly gain the information you need from your images and saving you valuable research time


SigmaScan Pro Automation Features Save you Valuable Research Time




Execute a series of steps once then apply the sequence to other images to effortlessly perform complex analyses and data manipulation.


Or, use built-in macros as provided or modify them for automating tasks such as counting and measuring objects, or splicing images. Employ SigmaScan Pro’s Online Macro Language Reference, which provides a complete overview of all macro commands and their functions, to develop powerful macros that save valuable research time.

[/toggle] [toggle border=’2′ title=’Access SigmaScan Pro Seamlessly’] Call on SigmaScan Pro’s functionality from external sources that have Visual Basic embedded, including Microsoft Word and Excel or custom software applications. For example, you can run a Visual Basic script in MS Word or Excel that calls on SigmaScan Pro to perform image analysis tasks. SigmaScan Pro’s OLE automation provides unlimited flexibility


Quickly Convert Images to Useful Data with Powerful Measurement Techniques


Select from a library of more than 50 powerful measurement options to convert images into analytical data. Separate, count and number up to 64,000 image objects using powerful built-in algorithms and collect the data in a convenient spreadsheet where object numbers correlate to spreadsheet row numbers.


Five non-destructive overlay planes allow you to collect measurements such as intensity, hue, saturation, distance, perimeter, slope, angle, area, volume, and center of mass simultaneously. Powerful edge and line tracking tools allow you to quickly outline objects and collect running measurements, so you save time marking the desired items. Guarantee accuracy by calibrating distance, area and intensity values.


The Automatic Choice for Counting, Measuring and Analyzing your Digital Images

SigmaScan Pro provides a complete image analysis package for studying the structure and size of visual information. SigmaScan Pro’s powerful image analysis and data manipulation techniques transform images into reliable statistics, understandable graphs and valuable scientific conclusions. SigmaScan Pro includes an extensive list of features that apply to a wide range of applications:


  • Count bacterial cells for growth studies
  • Measure the area of tumor cross-sections
  • Determine the projected area of conifer needles
  • Analyze intensity bands on gels
  • Isolate typographic map features
  • Characterize microstructural flaws in steel
  • Any other general image measurement or analysis application


SigmaScan Pro’s sophisticated enhancement techniques improve image quality and remove unwanted features, optimizing the image to your specifications. A powerful library of more than 50 measurement options collects your results in a convenient Microsoft ® Excel spreadsheet format. Use built-in column statistics, classify your data or choose from 140 worksheet functions to develop meaningful conclusions.


Best of all, beginners learn quickly through an intuitive interface. SigmaScan Pro also provides the power to create custom macros to automate repetitive tasks. Not a programmer? No problem. Record macros with the point and click macro recorder. Experienced users and programmers can apply the VB-based macro language to create custom interfaces or seamlessly link SigmaScan Pro to other applications, such as SigmaPlot.


Product Features

The product features for SigmaScan Pro are detailed below in the following categories:


Image Input / Output Options

  • Capture Images with any TWAIN compatible device
  • Load 1, 4, 8, 16, 24, or 32- bit color images
  • Load 1, 4, 8, 10, 12, 16- bit grayscale images
  • Open data files Excel XLS, TXT and MOC (scan 4)



  • Data worksheet: 256 columns x 16,384 rows
  • Insert, delete, go to cells
  • Format cells: font, alignment, border, pattern, protection, validation
  • Classify objects
  • Automatic Column Statistics: mean, std. deviation, std. error, 95% and 99% confidence intervals, size, min/max value, min. positive value, non-numeric values
  • In-cell formulas: over 140 worksheet functions
  • Speadsheet data compatible with SigmaPlot, SigmaStat, SYSTAT and TableCurve
  • Save output as MS Excel ™ XLS file
  • Save output as TXT file


Image Layers

  • Five non-destructive overlays
  • Save image overlays
  • Thresholds: color or intensity
  • Image masking
  • Overlay math: AND, OR, XOR, NOT, copy
  • Object numbering
  • Object labeling: major/minor axis
  • Overlay filters:

Erosion: normal, split object, keep residues, preserve shape

Dilation: normal, don’t merge, dilate residues, preserve shape

Special: delete residues, boundary, delete edge objects, fill holes



Automation Code Generation


Macro Language

  • Visual Basic compatible programming using built-in macro language interface
  • Macro recorder to save and play-back operations
  • Full automation object support – VB, C++, Excel
  • Run built-in macros or create and add your own scripts
  • Add menu commands and create dialog boxes
  • OLE automation


SigmaScan Pro Image Processing


Image Editing

  • Cut, copy, paste, clear
  • Crop, duplicate, restore, compare
  • Paste and splice images of different types
  • Resize*, resample
  • Specify pixel depth of new images
  • Convert images to different types


View options

  • Zoom in/out
  • Magnification tool: (from .03125x – 32x)
  • Image rotation: 90, 180, 270, any angle
  • Image flipping: horizontal or vertical axis
  • Intensity histogram
  • Select image background color
  • Image information


Filters – Standard Grayscale

Add noise, average, despeckle, emboss, gradient, Laplace, line segment detection, median, mosaic, oilify, posterize, Prewitt, sharpen, shift and differences, Sobel, user defined


Image Processing

  • Color to grayscale conversion
  • Monochrome Lookup Tables (LUT): standard, sawtooth, rectangle
  • Color Lookup Tables (LUT): rectangle, red, blue, green spirals, sawtooth
  • Clearfied equalization; pseudoclearfied generator
  • Image math: add, subtract, average, minimum, maximum, multiply, divide
  • Color thresholding
  • Invert intensity values
  • Change resolution
  • Standardize color palette
  • Color corrections: gamma, halftone, hue, saturation, color separations
  • Intensity corrections: brightness, contrast
  • Histogram stretch: grayscale or color



The measurement features found in SigmaScan Pro are listed below::

  • Trace Measurements Mode
  • Fill Measurements Mode
  • Calibrate intensity: 2-point or multiple point
  • Spatial Calibration (1, 2, or 3D)
  • Count: number of objects, number of pixels, object number reporting
  • Track Edges / Lines: Tracking speed, tracking stability, sampling grid, sample every n points
  • Point: Tally, XY coordinates
  • Spatial: area, center of mass – gray or binary, compactness, cumulative distance, distance, feret diameter, major / minor axis measurements: endpoint, perimeter, shape factor; slope, perimeter, volume, SUM (X, Y, X2, Y2, XY)
  • Intensity: pixel intensity values, average or cumulative over an area, red, green, blue intensity values or average red, green, blue over an area, line width average, hue and saturation




  • 6th non-destructive full-color overlay plane
  • Edit annotations: move, resize delete
  • Save annotations
  • Annotations: arrow, ellipse, freehand, highlight, line, notes, polygon, polylines, rectangle, text


Data PlottingY

  • Y vs row number, Y vs. X, multiple Y vs. X
  • Plot symbols or lines
  • Regression lines, grid lines
  • Input graph and axes titles
  • Linear or logarithmic scale


System Requirements


  • Pentium® processor running Windows 10, 8.x,  7, Windows Vista, 95, 98, NT and XP (32 bit)
  • 16MB RAM (64MB recommended)
  • SVGA monitor, 800×600 resolution 256 colors (True Color recommended)
  • 15MB hard disk space
  • TWAIN Compatible Scanner or Imager



