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UNICOM UCCF/Batch for OS390

UCCF®/Batch for OS390

Clear and intelligent reports from z/OS and CICS


UCCF/Batch, which stands for Universal Command Control Facility, works in conjunction with and as an enhancement to AUTOMON®/CICS and other UNICOM products. Experienced AUTOMON users are aware of the valuable information written to the history log. Diagnosis of this log on a regular basis proves to be a valuable aid to both problem determination and performance tuning.



UCCF/Batch takes the information provided by AUTOMON and produces a clear easy to read report of the problems encountered within your system. The report may be distributed to both system and application programmers to speed problem determination and rectification.

UCCF/Batch boosts confidence and productivity by helping data center personnel find swift solutions to availability problems. It conserves your most precious commodity time. Cutbacks have been made throughout the industry and many facilities now have fewer individuals to diagnose and correct the same amount of problems occurring within the system. These people need tools to increase their efficiency and speed the corrective process. AUTOMON/LogAnalyzer provides a means to quickly compile information useful for both problem determination and performance tuning. Statistical analysis provided in the synopsis reports gives the frequency that these problems occur. Higher priority may then be given to the problems which will yield the best returns in system performance.

The AUTOMON/CICS history database contains a compilation of all system conditions occurring outside of user specified threshold values. The messages written to this database provide information pertaining to many exceptional and degredational conditions occurring within the system. In addition, all transaction abends, storage violations and system crash conditions are recorded in this VSAM file. The data within the history database is an invaluable aid to problem determination and performance tuning. A regular review of the history database file can help the system programmer to maintain optimal performance from all CICS regions. However, the sheer volume of information provided can sometimes make the evaluation of this important data a time consuming process. That is why AUTOMON/LogAanalyzer was developed.

UCCF/Batch allows the system programmer to compile this vast array of data into a number of report formats, allowing for a statistical review of all abnormal conditions occurring within your system. UCCF/Batch prepares and prints reports offline using the AUTOMON/CICS messages recorded in the history database (AMON001) as input. Four separate batch jobs will produce reports for the following:






