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A Powerful Batch Interface System that Allows Batch Processing to Run Concurrently with CICS Activity



Hundreds, if not thousands, of files are being opened and closed each day in a production operation. Files may be assigned to open automatically the first time they are used. This solves the old problem of relying on the operator to initially open the file to CICS in a timely manner.

AUTOMON/BATCH is an on-line menu-driven system utility, operating under CICS, that provides the means to dynamically create and maintain all file definitions required by CICS by using the AUTOMON/BATCH interface to RDO. The interface greatly simplifies the process for the system programmers and application developers. AUTOMON/BATCH fits the most-used data for RDO file processing onto one screen rather than the many screens required by RDO and provides help in window boxes which appear beside the entry in question by simply pressing PF1 (the CUA standard help key). Help is provided on every field displayed in the AUTOMON/BATCH system as opposed to CICS default RDO which does not provide help text.

AUTOMON/BATCH does not require that the user know what RDO group the file resides in. All files within the CICS region are connected to the group they were installed from by AUTOMON/BATCH and all inquiries on a file name will automatically display it from the correct group. Group name is only required when doing a delete or define function.

When a file is viewed using AUTOMON/BATCH, the current service requests that are in force are displayed along with the service requests that the file was initially installed with. The status of the file is displayed (open, closed, enabled, disabled). One of the more powerful functions of the interface is the ability to page backward and forward through the DFHCSD file in file name sequence without changing group names. AUTOMON/BATCH automatically takes care of this for you.

AUTOMON/BATCH, in addition to the single file viewing capabilities, provides two multi-file displays. With the touch of a PF key, all files can be viewed in file name sequence along with their associated group name. To perform RDO functions on a file, simply tab to the desired file, press a PF key and the file is displayed by the interface system ready for processing. The second multi-file display shows files with their dsname, group, current status and a command area to open, close, activate, allocate or deallocate the file or files.

In addition to the RDO interface, AUTOMON/BATCH will automatically close and deactivate files which have not been accessed in a specified amount of time (specified by the option table) thereby releasing storage and resources tied up by the unused file.



