Comet examines your applications when they are loaded into CICS and dynamically translates all Macro level calls into Command level calls without any source changes.
With Comet your Macro level programs can run with CEDF so programmers can see the exact Command level statements as they execute. They can see the exact Command level calls and parameters they need to use for even the most complicated Macro level programs. But why invest your precious resources now on the conversion to Command level? With Comet you can be in production immediately and convert your programs over time as you perform normal maintenance.
Comet requires a small stub (similar to the CICS command level stub-DFHEAI, DFHECI, or DFHEPI) to be appended to every program it translates. You could relink the program to include the stub, but relining is troublesome. Your relinked programs cannot run in versions of CICS below 3.1 without Comet. So, until you make the move to CICS/TS permanently, you have to maintain two libraries. When source code changes, you have to make those changes in both libraries. Comet eliminates this hassle by dynamically attaching its stub to programs. No relining is necessary.
Some software programs use the CICS exit XPCFTCH to dynamically attach themselves to user programs. This exit is called every time you use a program, whether that program is to be dynamically attached or not. On a normal system, the total number of program uses per day is extremely high – five, ten, fifteen million per day. (On the average, you will have 4.5 times more program uses than transactions run.)