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Softerra Adaxes

Active Directory Provisioning and Administration
Softerra Adaxes is a comprehensive solution for management, administration and monitoring of Active Directory. It enables you to automate and secure user provisioning and de-provisioning in Active Directory environments. With its granularly distributed role-based security, administrative tasks automation, approval-based workflow, and enterprise standards enforcement rules, Softerra Adaxes guarantees high-performance user lifecycle management for your enterprise. The below diagram overviews the work of Softerra Adaxes.

Key Features


Role-Based Security Administration

Role-based security model is used to organize and efficiently distribute permissions between users. Permissions are combined into separate, easy-adjustable Security Roles that allow users or groups, to which they are assigned, to perform a certain set of tasks. A flexible assignment mechanism makes the distribution of permissions more granular and secure.

Administrative Task Automation

Day-to-day administrative operations become more and more time-consuming as enterprises grow in size. To reduce administrative workload, routine operations can be automated and combined in one task. Additional actions are executed automatically by Business Rules, when a specific operation is performed. The scope of Business Rule efficiency is controlled by flexible conditions and assignments.

Streamlined Provisioning and Enterprise Standards Enforcement

In large and complex networks, creating and modifying Active Directory objects involves repetitive entering of the same information and observing of multiple enterprise standards. In order to avoid such excessive and time-consuming actions and to maintain a unified Active Directory environment compliant with the defined standards, Softerra Adaxes provides Property Patterns. Property Patterns define formatting constraints and auto-generating rules for object properties. With a granular assignment mechanism, different Property Patterns can be made effective for different resources depending on their regional or departmental details.

Approval-Based Workflow

The execution of some critical operations often requires an approval of responsible persons. Softerra Adaxes allows defining critical operations that are executed only after an approval is granted.

Dynamic Business Units

Softerra Adaxes provides virtual collections used to organize Active Directory objects in an alternative way without breaking the AD structure. Business Unit members are defined by flexible membership rules that allow including or excluding objects dynamically, adapting to changes in the Active Directory. Business Units can contain objects from different domains or even forests that enable users to manage such objects collectively overcoming the restrictions of domain or organizational structures

Active Directory Reporting

The reporting feature provided by Softerra Adaxes allows you to facilitate Active Directory analysis and monitoring. The information represented in an understandable format helps to control Active Directory environment efficiently and to present data necessary for informed company management. A comprehensive list of AD reports provided by Softerra Adaxes allows you to receive necessary information in minimal time.

Password Self-Service

The Active Directory Self-Service Password Reset feature of Adaxes enables users to reset their forgotten passwords without assistance from the Help Desk or administrators. It significantly improves users' efficiency, minimizes their downtime, and helps you save on IT costs.


Adaxes can be customized to meet the unique needs and requirements of your company. With the help of Custom Commands, users can perform complex and routine Active Directory management tasks with a single click of a mouse. The Web Interface can be configured to allow users to perform only the operations they need to do their job functions, and nothing else. You can enable users to view only specific objects in Active Directory, customize forms for object creation and editing, disallow Active Directory browsing, customize the search capabilities, and much more. As a result, users obtain a clear, simple and intuitive interface, without unnecessary features that may confuse or distract them. Unexpirienced users may not even know they work with Active Directory and what Active Directory is.

Scheduled Tasks

Adaxes enables you to automatically perform various Active Directory management tasks on a regular basis. With the help of Scheduled Tasks you can schedule a wide range of operations, including:

sending e-mail notifications about account or password expiration,

automatically deleting inactive users and computers from AD,

synchronizing Active Directory with external datastores,

dynamically updating group membership of Active Directory objects,

automaticaly moving AD objects between OUs based on predefined rules,

and much more...

Exchange Management and Automation

Adaxes includes an integrated suite of tools for Exchange management and automation. It enables you to standardize, automate, and streamline creation and management of mailboxes, distribution lists, and mail-enabled contacts. Apart from features aimed at automating Exchange tasks, Adaxes also offers an easy-to-use web-based interface for Exchange management and administration. Adaxes supports Microsoft Exchange 2003, 2007, 2010, and 2013.

Office 365 Management and Automation

Adaxes delivers the missing layer of automation for Office 365 that includes automated management of Office 365 accounts and automated management of Exchange Online mailboxes. By means of condition-based rules, Adaxes allows you to automate the distribution of Office 365 licenses, configuration of mailboxes hosted in Office 365, and management of user access to the enterprise Office 365 tenant. Adaxes unifies Office 365 and on-premises environments under a single web-based administrative interface that allows you to manage both Office 365 and local user identities.


The Service Log allows you to monitor all operations performed via Softerra Adaxes. To facilitate browsing and monitoring, logged operations can be filtered to display operations performed by a specific user, performed on a specific object, executed within a specific period of time, etc.

Active Directory Management with PowerShell

The Active Directory PowerShell module delivered with Adaxes enables administrators to manage Active Directory from the command line. The module includes a set of PowerShell cmdlets and a PowerShell provider that allows browsing and updating AD with the help of common directory navigation commands, like cd, dir, del, move. The PowerShell module can be used to perform and automate Active Directory management tasks such as modifying group membership, updating AD objects, provisioning new user accounts, searching Active Directory, etc.

Load Balancing

Softerra Adaxes allows installing several Adaxes services that share their configuration. This enables Softerra Adaxes to connect users to the nearest available Adaxes service in order to avoid system overburdening, increase the utilization of network segments, and enhance the system liability.

SPML Support

SPML Support provided by Softerra Adaxes allows you to integrate Adaxes in SPML-enabled provisioning systems. This enables Adaxes to exchange provisioning data with SPML-compliant identity providers without complex and costly integration.

