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Efficiency Analysis in Hours not Days
Enhance your efficiency and redefine performance measurement in your organisation with Frontier Analyst®. Using the technique known as Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), perform objective, comparative efficiency analysis studies that take you beyond purely financial measures of performance. Ideal for use in retail, franchising, banking, health care, public services and many other business-unit based enterprises. Frontier Analyst® has the perfect mix of ease of use, power and functionality to help you achieve your goals.
Frontier Analyst® allows you to:
Identify star performers to locate best practice
Identify under-achievers
Set realistic, peer based improvement targets
Uncover greatest potential efficiency gains
Allocate resources more effectively
Visualise important information
Inform strategy development
Dig deeper than the “bottom line
The quest for greater efficiency is never ending as managers are always under pressure to improve the performance of their organisations. In the public sector, governments are constantly seeking better value for tax payers’ money, while the emergence of a more global economy has intensified competitive pressures on commercial companies. The onus is therefore on managers to achieve better results from the resources available to them. Frontier Analyst® uses a powerful technique called Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to assist you in doing this.
Version 4 steps up a level
Frontier Analyst has always been focused on helping managers and researchers find the useful information in the analysis results. The new version amplifies this facility greatly, allowing you to gain a greater depth of understanding directly in the software. The capability of the software has been greatly expanded, and you can now directly compare multiple analyses in the same charts – something no other DEA software can do. Be sure to check that your supplier is satisfying your requirements.
Frontier Analyst® Key Features
Frontier Analyst® version 4 can handle from 5 to an “unlimited” number of units (depending on the license purchased). It also allows you to specify weightings for particular variables.
What does “over 20,000” or “unlimited” units really mean?
Because the heart of data envelopment analysis is a “linear program”, the actual maximum data size is not easily determined. Our top capability licence has no restrictions on the number of units, but no one can actually guarantee that a certain data set will analyse when it gets too big. A lot depends on the numbers and the variable arrangement. What we can say though is that we have two large data sets we use for testing. One is 50,000 units by 27 variables, and it works fine. The other is 100,000 units by 3 variables, and it too works okay.
Package Contents
Frontier Analyst® software for Windows™. User Manual in PDF format (printed version available to order separately)
Web download contains electronic manual, workbook, and white papers.
Frontier Analyst runs under Microsoft Windows XP (SP3), Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8 pro. It requires 15Mb of hard disk space (plus additional space for your data files). It is advisable to use 1024×768 screen or better.
Information Displays Available
All of the graphs and tables in these displays (except the Frontier Plot) can show multiple comparisons side-by-side. You can select which comparisons to view dynamically for easy operation. This allows you to see the effect of including or excluding variables, using different analysis options, and any other comparison you wish. This sort of information is only available in Frontier Analyst® 4.