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solidThinking Embed


solidThinking Embed – formerly known as VisSim Embedded – is a visual environment for model based development of embedded systems. Its highly efficient diagram-to-code capability shortens the development time and increases product quality.

With solidThinking Embed, you can quickly develop virtual prototypes of any dynamic system. Models are built by simply sliding blocks into the work area and wiring them together with the mouse.

Embed automatically converts the control diagrams into C-code ready to be downloaded to the target hardware. The generated C-code is recognized for its efficiency with respect to memory requirements and runtime.

 The first release of solidThinking Embed 2016 represents a new era of VisSim for efficient model-based embedded development including:

•New packaging aimed at providing more functionality with simplified configuration and installation

 Similar to previous versions, there are two main products:

  solidThinking Embed SE (Simulation Edition) replacing Professional VisSim

  solidThinking Embed replacing VisSim Embedded (includes Embed SE)

  The number of add-ons have been reduced to two:

  solidThinking Embed/Digital Power Designer

   solidThinking Embed/Comm

 Many more capabilities are now available within the main products:

  Frequency Domain Analysis and Linearization

  Generalized reduced gradient method of parameter optimization

  Electric motor and controller block set (floating point)

  UML 2 state transition diagram editor to simulate event-driven systems

  Real-time data monitoring with CAN, OPC, real-time data acquisition boards, serial, and UDP

  Support for solidThinking Compose Open Matrix Language

  Enhanced support for Texas Instruments TI F28377D

  Faster and more efficient code generation


Control System Development

Embed provides a complete toolchain for embedded control systems development.

No hand coding required

Embed’s code generator allows you to easily try out new algorithms on a target hardware WITHOUT the need of hand-coding.

Affordable & easily configurable environment

The base product includes all the tools needed for embedded development including StateCharts, target support, fixed point algorithms, efficient code generator, motor control libraries.

Extensive Block Libraries For Embedded Systems

Extensive blocksets including Texas Instruments C2000 Motor control, Instaspin, on-chip peripherals, fixed point & motor block libraries.


OMG UML 2.1 compliant graphical state chart editing, simulation & code generation. Includes a built-in C interpreter for faster and reliable development of complex control applications.

Interactive Hardware-In-the-Loop Simulation

Plant runs on the host computer in Embed while the control algorithm runs in real-time on the target MCU. Real-time communication is performed via a JTAG hotlink. Embed also supports PIL-synchronous communication mode that runs the target in lock-step with the simulation for easy verification of embedded algorithms.

Frequency domain analysis

Perform frequency domain analysis either for the entire model of for a subsystem. Linearized systems can be represented in ABCD state space or transfer function form.

Controller Area Network (CAN) interface

CAN gives you a low cost Controller Area Network (CAN) development interface. You can easily log data, plot, strip-chart or run a virtual plant or controller for model based development.

Motion control block library

Motion consists of a comprehensive motion control block library, which includes motors, amplifiers, filters, controllers, loads, sensors, sources, and transforms.

OLE for Process Control (OPC)

Based on proven Kepware OPC client technology, OPC allows Embed to connect to any OPC server, including all Kepware servers.


OptimizePRO calculates the optimal values for design variables subject to user-defined constraints starting from initial user guess values.

User Datagram Protocol (UDP)

UDP lets you read and write standard internet protocol packets from the Embed block diagram.
