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IDAutomation PDF417 Barcode Font and Encoder

•Generates 2D PDF417 barcodes, including MacroPDF and Truncated PDF using fonts and encoder tools.

• Complies with ISO/IEC 15438 specifications.

• Supports USS AIM PDF417 and FedEx PDF417 specifications for accurate barcode display and printing.

• Compatible with both 32 and 64-bit operating systems and applications including Microsoft Office 2016 and Windows 10.

• Includes various font formats for maximum flexibility, such as TrueType, OpenType, PCL and Postscript formats.

• Available encoders include Crystal Reports UFL, FileMaker Pro .NET DLL, Java Class Library, C++ Header .h File, ActiveX Control, ASP.NET Web Server Control and much more.

• Native formulas for Excel, Access, Crystal and JavaScript included that allow distribution without any DLLs or components.

•Uses IDAutomation Vertical Interleaved Technology™ for improved performance.

•PDF417 fonts require special formatting so that the data-to-encode will be readable when the PDF417 font is applied. Font encoders are provided to automatically complete this.

•Includes the Universal 2D Barcode Font, which generates several 2D barcode types from a single font.

PDF417 Barcode Font and Encoder Features

Approximately 850 characters can be dependably encoded and read with the PDF417 barcode symbology. High barcode area efficiency means that large amounts of text and data can be stored in a PDF417 barcode. Because the 2D PDF417 font uses Reed Solomon error correction, it can withstand some damage without loss of data. This high-level error correction results in a decrease of PDF417 barcode read errors and is far more advanced than linear barcodes, which use check digits.

PDF417 Barcode Types Supported

In addition to PDF417, this package supports MacroPDF, which allows additional data to be encoded by dividing the data into multiple symbols, as well as Truncated PDF, which decreases the horizontal size of the symbol by two columns. MicroPDF417 is similar to PDF417, although it is only provided in a limited selection of IDAutomation's products.

Advanced PDF417 Font Design

This PDF417 font uses IDAutomation Vertical Interleaved Technology™ to provide improved performance and printing at a smaller X dimension than competitor's products. The design of the font allows accurate printing from any point size when used with compatible scanners and printers. For example, PDF417 barcodes generated with a 600 DPI LaserJet at 4 points will yield consistent scans with a 2D PDF417 Barcode Scanner. The font should be printed at 8 to 10 points for most applications.

Features Comparison

IDAutomation provides different packages of this product to suit various needs. The features comparison chart below lists the encoders provided with each of the two packages.

PDF417 Font Encoders Font and Encoder for Windows Font and Encoder User Suite Font and Encoder Developer Suite *
Windows COM DLL Window Compatible Window Compatible Window Compatible
Crystal Reports UFL
32 bit Crystal runtime version only
Window Compatible Window Compatible Window Compatible
FileMaker Pro Plugin Window Compatible Window Compatible (32 & 64 bit)
Mac Compatible (32 bit)
Window Compatible (32 & 64 bit)
Mac Compatible (32 bit)
Native VB Module for Visual Basic, Excel and Access   Window Compatible Window Compatible
Native Crystal Reports Formula
32 and 64 bit version of Crystal
  Window Compatible Window Compatible
.NET DLL     Window Compatible
Native JavaScript Encoder     Window Compatible Mac CompatibleLinux Compatible
Java Class Library     Window Compatible Mac CompatibleLinux Compatible
C++ .h Header File     Window Compatible Mac CompatibleLinux Compatible 
PDF417 Graphic Encoders Font and Encoder for Windows Font and Encoder User Suite Font and Encoder Developer Suite *
ActiveX Control Window Compatible Window Compatible Window Compatible
Signed ActiveX CAB File Window Compatible Window Compatible Window Compatible
.NET Forms Control     Window Compatible
ASP.NET Web Server Control     Window Compatible
Java Applet and Servlet     Window Compatible Mac CompatibleLinux Compatible