Hosted IMail Server
Secure. Professional. Intuitive. Ipswitch Hosted Email is a no-hassle, reliable alternative to expensive on-premise mail servers. Everything you need is included in one feature-filled hosted email service.
Ipswitch Hosted Email
A Cloud Based Email Solution from Ipswitch!
An on-premise mail server is not for everyone. Keeping up with the ever-changing hardware and operating system environment can be a technical challenge and a costly one at that. For businesses that want to experience the freedom of a cloud service with the reliability of an on-premise server, Ipswitch Messaging, the developers of IMail Server, introduce Hosted IMail Server.
Key Benefits:
Virtual Private Server - Your information stays secure and isolated on a VPS with its own operating system that can be independently rebooted.
No Hassle - No set up. No maintenance. No software upgrades or patches.
Predictable Costs - You no longer have to replace outdated hardware or invest in software.
Anti-spam Protection - Industry-leading Cyren anti-spam protection technology.
Anti-virus Protection - Includes IMail anti-virus powered by Cyren.
Instant Messaging - Integrated instant messaging is a part of your email service.
Storage Space - The standard package includes 2 gigs of storage per mailbox. Additional storage is optional.