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V-locity® 6.0 is I/O reduction software that guarantees to solve the toughest application performance challenges on virtual servers or your money back, 90-days - no questions asked.

V-locity solves the two big I/O inefficiencies in virtual environments that rob 50% of bandwidth from VM (virtual machine) to storage with I/O characteristics that are much smaller, more fractured, and more random than they need to be. This "death by a thousand cuts" scenario penalizes performance of both flash or spindle storage systems. V-locity is transparent, set and forget software that solves this problem with large, clean contiguous writes and reads, so more payload is delivered with every I/O operation. In addition, V-locity further reduces I/O to storage by caching hot reads from idle, available DRAM. Nothing has to be allocated for cache since V-locity dynamically adjusts to only what is otherwise unused. Most customers serve 50% of their read traffic if there is at least 4GB of available memory during peak operation. If a system is memory constrained, V-locity's caching engine backs off entirely.



Target Applications

V-locity is most commonly used by virtualized organizations to address their most I/O intensive workloads as its effectiveness scales with workload intensity. This typically means applications running on top of SQL/Oracle/SAP, ERP, VDI, EHR/EMR (MEDITECH), OLTP, Business Intelligence (BI) apps, CRM, Exchange, SharePoint, file servers, backup, and more.

Whether it's a client facing application whereby users are complaining about sluggish performance during peak load, or a back office batch job or report that is taking too long to complete, V-locity improves business efficiency without the high cost or disruption of new hardware. Since V-locity runs with near-zero overhead, the footprint on compute resources is negligible.



Benefit Validation

V-locity demonstrates the value provided to any one VM or group of VMs by showing the number and percentage of all write requests that are reduced by sequentializing otherwise small, fractured writes and the number and percentage of all read traffic that is cached via DRAM. More importantly, V-locity quantifies the time savings from its optimizations and displays a “time saved” dashboard so the ROI is easily justified and expressed in terms that mean the most to the business – time saved.
