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CC5X C Compiler

Version 3.5G

Copyright (c) B Knudsen Data, Norway, 1992 - 2016.

Supports midrange PICmicro devices:

12 bits core : PIC10, PIC12, PIC16C5X

14 bits core : PIC12, PIC14, PIC16

Long experience: In use by professionals since 1992.

==>   CC5X supports the Enhanced 14 bit core and the Enhanced 12 bit core.

==>   MPLAB X support is available.

A FREE edition of CC5X is available, without code size limitations.

CC5X now supports the new PIC16F18857 and PIC16F18877 with 4k RAM (also supported by the free edition).

The PIC18 devices are supported by CC8E.

Math library support. Fixed and floating point math is available. Floating point math (16, 24 and 32 bit) includes functions like log(), exp(), sin(), cos(), sqrt(). The libraries are compact and significant space can be saved compared to the assembly floating point libraries from Microchip.

Linker support: C and assembly modules can be linked together using MPLINK.

Standard C strings and constant data. The type modifier 'const' allows constant data and strings to be stored in program memory using standard C syntax. Pointers to 'const' data is supported. Pointers of 8 and 16 bit can be used in the same application.

Are you waiting for coming features?  The included 12 months update agreement ensures that you get free updates on your license during the following 12 months after purchase (see prices page).

Free updates can be downloaded on the same page that contains the initial installation program for your license. The link to this page is found in the mail containing the license file and download instructions.

Multitasking support using state machines is available. Many highly reliable and complex systems are built using state machines, for instance in telecommunications. A normal RTOS can impose unpredictable response delays. State machines are predictable, fast and allows the maximum delay to be calculated. So, try state machines and discover how you can use PICmicros for complex real time control jobs.

Compact code and efficient RAM usage are the outstanding features of CC5X. The compiler has been and is still leading in generating compact code. Variables up to 32 bit is supported, including bit variables and bit functions. CC5X is suited for real-time applications requiring strong control of the generated code. The code can be inspected in the comprehensive assembly file produced.

Code savings of 20-30% compared to other C compilers have been reported. For example, the ping.c program found on the Microchip Internet site was reduced from 2170 to 1699 instructions when porting it to CC5X. That is a saving of 471 instructions.

CC5X was designed to enable very efficient usage of the limited code and RAM space, with the ease of C programming instead of assembly.

CC5X is the right choise if you want to write high performance applications with similar or better compactness than assembly. Unfortunately CC5X is not up to the ANSI C level, so you must be prepared to simplify complex expressions into statements that can be compiled to efficient code. But that is a minor price to pay compared to all the benefits.

Feedback from a professional user in Germany: "I really like this (CC5X) compiler, actually Iam using the HI-TECH-Compiler for an PIC17C756 and I am not happy about the generated code. For all other PIC16Cxxx i use the CC5X."

And from England: "As most of my coding relies on your compiler, which I've used for well over 100 commercial projects, I look forward to seeing the results of your efforts. Keep up the good work."

A new user from Australia: "The reports I have is the product is very solid and this is a major reason for choosing this compiler"

Feedback from a developer who have evaluated several compilers: "Wonderfull ! I'm a professional PIC & Windows programmer and I'm sure this is the BEST C compiler for PIC (12 & 14-bit) in the world ! I've been searching for a PIC compiler for about three months and analized thoroughly all available like MPC, MPLAB-C, MPLAB-C17, MPLAB-C18, C2C (Baranov), PICC (Hi-Tech), PCB-PCM-PCW (CCS) & others. Go on the same way (I mean PIC18 support & IO library) and you'll be the unconditional leaders !"

A downloader and RT-monitor is available for the FLASH PIC16F87X devices. The code size for the downloader is as low as 420 instructions. It downloads INHX8M hex files, even from long distance. It can be used during debugging or for preparing the application firmware for future upgrades.

Separate compiler products:

A special CC5X edition supports custom ASIC's using DxPIC cores from Digital Core Design.

CC8E: 16 bit core : PIC18  (free compiler available)

CC7A: 16 bit core : PIC17 (demo compiler available)

Old beta compilers:

CC1B: 12 bit core : Ubicom SX (demo compiler available)

CC6H: 14-16 bit core : Holtek HT (demo compiler available)

Main features:

Supports all midrange PICmicro devices (12 and 14 bit core): PIC10, PIC12, PIC14, PIC16

Generates tight and optimized code

Local and global variables of 1, 8, 16, 24 and 32 bits

Floating and fixed point math up to 32 bits

Automatic update of the page and bank selection bits

Efficient reuse of local variable space

Extended call level by using GOTO instead of CALL

New chip definition files can be created

Enhanced and compact support of bit operations, including bit functions

Math libraries including functions like sin(), log(), exp(), sqrt(), etc.

Standard C constant data and strings in program memory (const)

Automatic storing of compressed 7 bit data on devices supporting program memory reading, i.e. PIC16F87X and similar

Pointer models of 8 and 16 bits, mixed sizes in same application allowed

RAM and/or ROM pointers

The size of single pointers can be automatically chosen by the compiler

Relocatable assembly and linker support (MPLINK), interfaces with assembly (MPASM) modules

Automatic links to "hidden" subroutines in the PIC16C5X chips

Inline assembly

Generate single assembly instructions through corresponding C statements

Integrated interrupt support

Device configuration bits in source code (like oscillator type, code protection, etc.)

Generated files:

Hex file: for chip programming

Assembly file: for inspection, or input to assemblers

List file: for inspection

COD file: for debugging using MPLAB

COF file: for debugging using MPLAB X

Error file: list warnings and errors

Function outline: for inspection of the call structure

Variable file: for inspection of variable addresses

Compiler output file: summary of code and RAM usage

Preprocessor output file : for inspection of source after preprocessing

More details:

A RAM allocation map is generated

Multiplication, division and modulo

Structures and unions, bitfields, typedef


Arrays and pointers

Direct bit manipulation

Many parameters in function calls

COD file generated for debugger and MPLAB support

Preprocessor offering macro's, conditional compilation and include files

The generated assembly file includes symbolic names and the C source code. Many options allows the format to be adapted to suit different needs

Binary constants: 0b01011000

Support for ICD debugging

Complete header file list


Free full update period 12 months 12 months -
Support Yes Yes -
Full code size Yes Yes Yes
Leanslice multitasking Yes - -
Linker support (MPLINK) Yes Yes Yes
PIC10/12/14/16 Yes Yes Yes
PIC17/18 - - -
Full optimization Yes Yes Limited
Enhanced 12 bit core Yes Yes -
Enhanced 14 bit core Yes Yes Limited
Devices with 4k RAM Yes Yes Yes
8 bit integer variables Yes Yes Yes
16 bit integer variables Yes Yes Yes
24 bit integer variables Yes Yes -
32 bit integer variables Yes Yes -
16 bit floating point Yes Yes -
24 bit floating point Yes Yes Yes
32 bit floating point Yes Yes -
8 bit fixed decimal point Yes Yes -
16 bit fixed decimal point Yes Yes -
24 bit fixed decimal point Yes Yes -
32 bit fixed decimal point Yes Yes -