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A.N.D. Virtual Release Station

Virtual Release Station (VRS) is a web-based pay for print system, designed to work with Pcounter and campus online payment systems such as Blackboard and CBORD. It is intended for use at sites that do not want to use dedicated computer release stations.

•Both Pcounter for Windows and Pcounter for NetWare (NDPS/iPrint only) are supported.

•VRS runs on a Windows web server such as IIS or Apache.

•No hardware and no ID cards are required. Users authenticate to the VRS server using their directory logon account (Active Directory or NDS/eDirectory), and VRS is able to lookup the user's campus ID number from the directory.

•The Pcounter account balance can optionally be used as a "free" print account balance.

•Users are shown their held/paused print jobs along with the associated job page counts and cost. When jobs are released, VRS will charge the user's campus account (ie. Blackboard/CBORD) if there is insufficient "free" balance.


•Windows 2000 or later machine to run the VRS web server. (NetWare support also requires Novell Client 32.)

•IIS or Apache web server.

•Pcounter for Windows or Pcounter for NetWare.
