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Visual Paradigm ---the most correct choice for you

latest update:2016/10/26 Views:1086
Using UML and ERD allows you to design IT systems more efficiently

Using UML and ERD allows you to design IT systems more efficiently

Visual Paradigm combines all the important UML diagrams and ERD tools in system and database design, using template creation tools such as Resource Catalog, Transitor, and Nicknamer to quickly and easily create system modeling

Doc.Composer can help you generate detailed design specifications with just a few clicks. After you understand it, you will know that Visual Paradigm is your right choice.

Meet the needs of users is the most basic goal

User story is a proven technique to capture and maintain user needs. With our UeXceler tool, you can write user stories and manage them with use cases, sprint and tags. All these can be done within Visual Paradigm, the design environment and on the web , Anytime, anywhere.

User history is a useful tool for getting and meeting user needs. You can use the uexceler tool to write user history and manage them through case meetings and labels. And all of this you can do in Visual Paradigm, allowing you to operate anytime, anywhere.

Do not talk empty words, direct presentation

A diagram that is stronger than a thousand words, a wireframe, and a scripting tool is an effective way to provide end-users with system presentations, comments, and requirements confirmation. Wireframes and scripts also help developers design screens and perform system interactions.

Query process, change, improve the work process

The query process usually uses the BPMN tool to analyze the current state and begin to make changes to the desired process. Animation is always more interesting than the static map, which is why Visual Paradigm to provide users with business process animation, static business process design to business process video

Keep sync and easy to share

The Vpository provides a central repository that allows your team to synchronize while preserving all the changes in the design and file. Postmania allows shareholders to comment on your design without being bothered by mail.

Develop the best software for you to meet your needs

Based on user feedback, Visual Paradigm decided to return to the market again from October 11, 2016, and we made some minor adjustments to the product name


Use case modeling

• Capture functional requirements

Get access to acquisition requirements

• Design use case scenarios

Design case scenario

Accept the test program design

BPMN with process simulation

Modeling business processes

• Define cost, time, resources

Define costs, time, resources

• Define equipment for load testing

Define the load test scenario

carried out

Generate charts

 A tool for expressing UML

Yes • Design Software Systems with Industry Standard UML

Design the software system with industry standard UML

You can move your finger! Snap Your Fingers, Generate System Specifications

Motion generation system details

To carry out platform impact analysis, to find the potential "pit"

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